Adding Wall Storage in the Kitchen

Kitchen Shelf_10 It seems like I've been posting a lot of little kitchen upgrades lately, and why not! The kitchen is the hub of the home, around which all other activities revolve. Nearly a year ago now, I set out to build a bar table in what we have come to call our breakfast nook. That bar has served it's purpose wonderfully. The problem is that the storage offered by that corner is less than stellar. At first my roommates thought a hanging basket would be the silver bullet, but going vertical was definitely the right approach, the basket just didn't provide the needed storage. Instead we needed some proper shelves.

At home depot, they sell simple wall mountable brackets, which can (hopefully) support a high load. These I mounted directly into the studs of the wall after first measuring out the heights needed to clear 3 shelves just over the microwave.

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I was worried at first that the arms weren't notching into the rails properly. They seemed to jam up before completely interlocking. Some web searching soon revealed that this was by design: the arms are meant to be hammered down into the rail to lock them in place. After sawing and sealing 3 planks of pine. I had a decent looking wall of shelves, but believe me they were full almost immediately after I took this photo. We have a LOT more cookbooks than that.

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