Dealing with a Moldy Cutting Board

This is a real quick fix to solve a real basic problem. We have a large wooden cutting board in our kitchen, which gets quite a lot of use. This means it also gets quite a lot of cleaning, which gives the wood lots of opportunity to absorb moisture. At first, the board just sat on the counter top which didn't allow enough ventilation for the moisture to dry off. This in turn caused mold to begin to grow on the underside of the board. Gross!

Cutting Board Before We sprayed the mold down with some chemicals to kill it, and keep it from growing, but now, sadly, there's a moldy patch that remains. Since then, we'd placed the board on a towel to boost it off the counter and provide ventilation, but I have long suspected there was a better way to bring ventilation to the bottom of the cutting board. When I saw these peel-and-stick rubber bumpers, I knew they would be perfect for the job. Putting them on was a cinch, and they have the added bonus of holding the cutting board in place much better than a towel did.

Cutting Board Final