My Favorite Songs at 27

Every year for my birthday I compile a playlist of my favorite songs from that year, with number of songs equal to my age. This year, it seem there is minimal South by Southwest influence, more rap than usual, and whole lot of Damon Albarn. I'm not sure if spotify offers the Jagwar Ma song anymore, but I left it in because I like it that much. There's also an EDM-themed video game called "Crypt of the Necrodancer" which is kinda like Legend of Zelda meets Dance Dance Revolution, but I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet. The soundtrack, however is one of my favorite things for focusing REALLY hard. I suggest turning up the volume for that. Actually, I suggest turning up the volume for everything, because my music is awesome.

Fair warning: there's some profanity in these songs. If you're at work make sure to unplug your headphones so your coworkers know how cool you are.